SK Artistry, Photography by Sindea

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Badass Brand Ambassador ~ Marlin

Badass Brand Ambassador ~ Marlin

As many of you know, I have been growing my boudoir business for the last few years. I am LOVING it. More importantly, I am LOVING the women I am meeting and working with. At the beginning of 2020, I brought on five amazing brand ambassadors. They were all very excited for this new adventure with me, my boudoir business, Delicate Confessions (aka Boudoir by SK Artistry). What none of us (around the world!) could have anticipated was everything shutting down just as this journey began. I was only able to squeeze in two brand ambassador sessions before we shut down in March. So, unfortunately, this badass woman, Marlin, had to wait until June when we reopened for sessions and business again. And, as always, I am a bit behind in posting my blogs. So, without further ado, let’s check out a bit of the badass brand ambassador’s session!

Hello Marlin! WOWZA. What a beautiful woman, what a beautiful soul. I ‘met’ Marlin a long time ago in an online moms group. You know the kind. It has over one thousand members, and it can be hard to get to know people, and yet, somehow, a few stand out. Marlin is one of those women. I had seen her in the group, always being supportive of others, and I had to check out her Facebook profile. And I saw an incredibly beautiful woman with the best smile and dimples, EVER. As time went on, we got to meet and know each other in various groups and meetups. So, I was THRILLED when she applied to be a brand ambassador with Delicate Confessions!

As a brand ambassador, she is posting on her social media accounts about her experience, her images (which can be daunting for sure!), and helping to welcome members into my private group ( come join us, won’t you? Ladies only, come get to be a part of one of the best communities online! Badass Babes ). Marlin also posts weekly in the group, and helps us create an amazing atmosphere and safe place for all members.

Now, I am betting you want to see a bit of her session? Yes, let’s do this!

She started her session with arriving at my studio in south Everett, Washington, and having her hair and makeup done by Adrienne, one of my awesome and talented hair and makeup artists. Adrienne, BTW, is so fun to work with. Should you have a session with me, you will love getting your hair and makeup done by her. While enjoying this process, she also got to sip on some wine and have a few light snacks. And then…show time! We discussed her outfits that she had brought (so amazing) and then we added a few things from my client closet. And, so we began.

Here are a few images as a result of her super fun session!

PS: I only have a few spots left for boudoir sessions in 2020, so get in touch asap to discuss your own amazing and empowering session. or call/text 425-879-8201